
Mrs Tracy French

Living and learning together.

Welcome to Waycroft Multi Academy Trust. The Trust is a group of schools all located in South Bristol where the Directors and staff work together to create learning environments which promote high quality and enjoyable educational experiences suitable for every child.

Living and Learning together is the Multi Academy Trust Mission Statement. Waycroft MAT staff and children pride themselves on the high standards of work, pastoral care and discipline. As a result the traditional values of hard work, outstanding behaviour, a dedication to learning and personal challenge in all areas are evident.

There is a clear focus on school improvement across the MAT to ensure pupils have the opportunity to reach their full potential. Our children participate fully in the life of the school and leave fully equipped with the necessary social, technological and common sense skills to be outstanding citizens ready for the next stage of their education. This can only be achieved because of the commitment and support from everyone associated with our MAT.

The purpose of this website is to inform. However, if having read it you have questions that remain unanswered please do not hesitate to contact me, one of our Heads of School or visit our individual schools’ websites.